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Fun With Bitcoin E0131 Adam Meister

May 20, 2021

This weeks episode is with Adam, we talk about his RH, how filled YT is with Shitcoins and slayin your hero's. 

*Born and raised in Baltimore
*2008 crisis introduction to anarchism
*Fomo 2013 
*1st South African btc conf Cape Town
*YT channel started as a Baltimore channel - Baltimore hourly
*Started YT to stick it to the man
*Bitcoin needed marketing, I enjoy doing it
*Most YT is shitcoins
*We all think we’re late
*Bitcoin is the next bitcoin
*Exchanges shilling NFT’s to content creators
*I’m not here as a guru
*Don’t put people on a pedestal
*More on ramps, more noise
*Money printer go brrrr
*Eth used to attack bitcoin with eco BS
*Back up the truck
Twitter: @techbalt

Twitter & Telegram @Coinicarus

Email me at

Intro music by @CryptoContagion

AnchorFM for all platform links. 

May 4, 2022
After the dip of the RIP, we welcome Weinicus, a bitcoin Nomad.
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*Background in engineering *Orange pilled by a QR code *Burned in stocks *Introspection on failure *Stack in silence *Brainwashed to be consumers for the sake my of consuming *My greed benefits everyone else in the system *Stacking grows conviction * *Daily news *Everything is fine until it isn’t * Bitcoin community: huge city with a small town feel Twitter: @saulabrm
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