*2013 consensus - MTGOX OG
*Made drones
*The price is consensus
*Cobovault- hardware is more expensive to develop
*This wallet was made for miners!
*Miners used a special LG with a modular battery
*Self destruct mechanism
*threshold withdraw
*secure elements from china
*they allow anyone to verify their secure elements
*code audit with 3rd party - code audit report to the public
*Metal wallet(cobo Tablet) current version failed lopp test making new one!
*compatability with electrum, wasabi, bluewallet and BTCpayserver
*psbt multi signature (CC and CoboVault)
*auto turn off feature for cobovault
*checksum verification
*community driven development, alot of feedback
*personally rewarding 2-3 hours on full charge, its only meant for short burst use
*HWW is not the silver bullet for safety, its your knowledge!
*know the tradeoffs
*structured wallet system